Past Actions
Learn more about the forced labour fashion movement with these past actions!
Better Cotton Initiative
Rights groups sent messages to Better Cotton demanding it take action against its members for its reported links to Uyghur forced labour.
Volkswagen protests
Uyghur groups at Volkswagen’s HQ in Wolfsburg, Germany demanding it fully exit from the Uyghur Region at its Annual General Meeting in 2023.
Discounted Lives Installation
Human Rights Foundation and Le Truc exhibit on the hidden social costs of fast fashion and Uyghur forced labour.
Louise Xin's Fashion Shows
Models demanding all fashion brands end forced labour at Louise Xin’s fashion shows in Oslo, Brussels, & Stockholm.
2023 Uyghur Fashion Show
Uyghur youth showcasing their style and culture and calling for an end to forced labour fashion.
Uyghur Awareness College Tours
Student-led workshops at universities on ways students can take action to end Uyghur forced labour.
Uyghur forced labour goods
Uyghur groups took videos of red dates and other fruits in grocery stores at high risk of being made with forced labour.
Zara protests
Uyghur groups and rights advocates calling on Zara to end forced labour fashion in Brussels.
Label the forced labour
Freedom United placed tags on Urban clothing to raise awareness about forced labour.
Tibetan, Hongkonger, Uyghur, Taiwanese, Southern Mongolian & Chinese activists demanding govts and sponsors say no to the Beijing Olympics.
NYFW rally
Uyghurs & rights advocates call on fashion brands to stop profiting from Uyghur forced labour at New York Fashion Week.
Uyghur Runway Challenge
Aadvocates from around the world held up signs demanding fashion brands end Uyghur forced labour.
Photos and graphics by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash, Forced Labour Fashion, Human Rights Foundation, Emma Grann, Free Uyghur Now, Freedom United, and Lei UK.